Core Services
Facilitated Deep Dives into district systems, including the policies, processes, and infrastructures related to school leadership, to build district capacity to strengthen, support, and retain a high-quality educator workforce.
Customized Support because each district has unique contexts, the Center tailors its support to meet the specific needs of each district. This includes helping districts reflect on their existing policies and practices; building capacity for districts to engage effectively in pipeline initiatives; and assisting in planning for continuous improvement for leadership development efforts.
Support begins with an initial consultation between district leadership and Center staff to develop a tailored service plan. The range of support includes facilitation and support of:
—Needs assessment —Design —Planning —Implementation —Analysis and reflection
Additional Services and Supports
To support districts wherever they are in their leader development journey, the Pipeline Center offers an array of leadership improvement and pipeline support services, including:
PLCs for Pipeline Districts and States. Pipeline districts want—and benefit from—opportunities to meet to exchange ideas and strategies about implementing and/or sustaining a leader pipeline. The Center will host quarterly PLC sessions and invite pipeline districts (and eventually states)—including those not affiliated with the Center—to join.
Leader Academies. The Center offers an array of Leader Academies– tailored to align with state and district needs—to build effective leaders at various levels within the educational system (e.g., teacher leaders, aspiring principals, principals, principal supervisors, aspiring superintendents).
SEA-Capacity Building. The Pipeline Center emphasizes collaborative action between SEAs and districts to strengthen leadership development, providing structured support and learning opportunities that can improve educational leadership across the state.
Center Partners. The Center will work closely with other, high-quality pipeline-serving organizations, facilitating connections so that they may strategically and seamlessly deliver aligned and domain-specific support to pipeline districts.
Future Center Services and Supports. The Pipeline Center will develop new services and supports as needs are identified.
Center Resources
Pipeline Center services to districts and states are supported and improved through an array of Center resources and supports, including:
Communications. The Center works to enhance awareness and build networks to support leadership performance, while also leveraging partnerships to raise the profile of pipelines and engage with the community.
Research and Development. The Center's commitment to continuous improvement and the development of its services is an essential part of enhancing educational leadership through effective pipeline programs.
Facilitator Training and Support. The Center has a cadre of facilitators and trainers who have experience working with districts in developing their educator workforce. To sustain delivery of the highest quality facilitation and training, the Pipeline Center will provide facilitators with an array of supports, including an online forum/PLC, monthly webinars, norming exercises, and ongoing training and support to enhance the skills of current facilitators.
Pipeline Tools. PSA produced four tools to help districts and their partners build principal pipelines. The Pipeline Center incorporates these tools into the facilitated pipeline assistance Center staff deliver to districts.