



U.S. Department of Education


The U.S. Department of Education (ED), the National Park Service (NPS), Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), and the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) (herein referred to as the Partnership) collaborated to provide place-based science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programming to elementary, middle, and high school students attending BIE schools. The Partnership, one of three interagency collaborations supported by the ED’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers program (21st CCLC) to improve STEM education in out-of-school time (OST) programs, was created to engage traditionally underserved American Indian students in inquiry-based natural resource monitoring and citizen science programs at seven National Park Service-Hands on the Land (NPS-HOL) sites while building the capacity of local 21st CCLC and school staff to deliver STEM programming. PSA examined the implementation and early impact of the partnership.


PSA partnered with SRI International to clarify the characteristics of STEM teacher leader programs, identify challenges and opportunities for the field, and facilitate activity that moves the field forward. The project produced reports that describe the characteristics of current teacher leader programs within and beyond the STEM subjects. The team convened approximately 90 leaders in teacher leadership—policymakers, researchers, program leaders, and practitioners—to define and advance strategies for improving STEM teacher leader programs. The team formed Research Action Clusters (RACs) of community members to work collaboratively and serve as catalysts for addressing challenges in STEM teacher leader programs. The RACs investigated practical issues in STEM teacher leadership, identified lessons for the field, and developed plans to improve programs for STEM teacher leaders.

National Science Foundation

For the National Science Foundation (NSF), PSA was a partner in the Community Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE), a resource network led by Education Development Center that builds and shares knowledge relevant to NSF’s largest R&D grant program in K-12 STEM education, the Discovery Research K-12 program (DR K-12). PSA analyzed the approximately 400 NSF-funded DR K-12 projects that worked to translate prominent national goals for STEM education into practice in schools and other agencies. The PSA team worked with DR K-12 project leaders on a range of tasks, including those involving work groups, collaborative development of briefs, and conference presentations. For national program convenings, PSA assisted in planning and in the synthesis of proceedings as well as convened and facilitated work groups to develop briefs that highlight innovative R&D that were intended to have practical use in the STEM education field. The work groups included researchers, developers, and practitioners from schools and districts, and the groups followed a process that involved strategic recruitment, problem clarification, knowledge building, and collaborative reporting. Topics of PSA briefs included R&D partnerships with practitioners, the use of research knowledge, national priorities for STEM education, and supports of early career R&D professionals.

Early Career Researchers and Developers in the DR K-12 Program: Needs, Supports, and Recommendations
Education R&D Partnership Tool
Practice-Engaged R&D in Education
R&D Partnership Brief
CADRE White Paper